Founded in 1997, Palmer Staffing Services is a small business GSA scheduled and DC supply scheduled temporary staffing company. We are a multi-award-winning business with a track record of satisfied, long-term clients in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. With driven dedication, our mission is to provide professional and personalized services to the community, focusing on the integrity, ethics, and diligence of both our own business practices and those of our candidates.
Our experience, expertise and high standards are fundamental to your success. Our thorough ongoing screening process means you receive exceptional candidates within 24 hours from request.
Positions We Staff
- Accounting and Finance
- Administrative Assistant
- Attorney
- Clerical Support
- Contract Specialist
- Data Entry
- Docket Clerk
- Document
- Imaging & Scanning
- Executive Assistant
- Help Desk – IT
- Human Resources
- Legal Secretary
- Library
- Litigation Support
- Mail Room Support
- Paralegal
- Program Management
- Receptionist
- Records
- Reprographic Personnel
- Research
- Travel Management Specialist
- Typists/Word Processing
- And More
Government Client List
- African Development Foundation
- Agency for Global Media
- Amtrak
- Bureau of Economic Analysis
- Civilian Board of Contract Appeals
- Congressional Budget Office
- DC Department of Housing and Community Development
- DC Department of Public Works
- DC Housing Finance Agency
- DC Public Schools
- DC Retirement Board
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Defense
- Department of Education
- Department of Energy
- Department of Homeland Security
- Department of Interior
- Department of Justice
- Department of Labor
- Department of Transportation
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Export-Import Bank
- Federal Aviation Administration
- Federal Deposit Insurance Commission
- Federal Reserve Board
- Federal Trade Commission
- General Services Administration
- Library of Congress
- National Credit Union Administration
- National Institute of Health
- National Mediation Board
- Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation
- Potomac Job Corps Center
- Smithsonian Institution
- The Kennedy Center
- US Agency for Global Media,
- US Coast Guard
- US Court of Federal Claims
- US Fish & Wildlife Service
- US Food & Drug Administration
- US House of Representatives
- US Patent and Trademark Office
- US Postal Regulatory Commission
- US Postal Service
- US Secret Service
- US Securities and Exchange Commission
- Washington Metrorail Safety Commission